Guided tours
Historic Talks offers guided tours in a large number of palaces, mansions and manor houses. Read more about the tours on this page.

Rosenborg Castle - Historic Talks
Rosenborg Castle
Christian IV’s pleasure pavilion houses today some of the most potent symbols of Denmark’s national history such as the regalia and the Crown Jewels. Also, the castle houses The Royal Danish Collection, a collection of extreme wealth presenting 500 years of royal patronage and collecting.
The tour will present the castle, its fascinating history and rich collections. The time around Christian IV will be presented in the Winter Room and the King’s bedchamber. The tour continues in the Long Hall where the thrones are kept surrounded by the famous silver lions. The tour will end in the Treasury looking at the regalia and Crown Jewels.
The tour will thus show some of the most important symbols of royal history of Denmark.
Duration: 1 hour and 15 min.
The tour can be arranged for up till 25 visitors